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Author Archives: Karma Waltonen
2021 Annual Society Business Meeting
Our annual business meeting with be over Zoom, starting at 3:30 PST p.m. on Saturday, 1/9.
Zoom meeting ID: 971 2932 5493.
The meeting requires a password; contact one of the officers if you want to join!
New Collection of Atwood’s Early Works
Margaret Atwood’s early works of fiction, drama, and verse, with her colorful illustrations, are published here for the first time. They reflect her formative years in the woods of northern Ontario and Quebec, her engagement with animals, and the wide-ranging imagination and humor that also inform her novels.
Edited by Nora Foster Stovel and Donna Couto.
Preface and illustrations by Margaret Atwood.
Price: $15 (AUD)
With scholarly annotation, a note on the text, and a critical introduction, this edition also includes photographs from the author and a newly discovered early short story.
Order direct from their website:
Click on “Order a Book” and select “For international purchases.”
CFP for new MLA Approaches to Teaching Atwood Book
The MLA Press published Approaches to Teaching Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Other Works in 1996. Now the press is seeking contributions for a new volume to explore both the teaching of Atwood’s publications since that time and 21st-century approaches to her earlier works, such as strategies for teaching The Handmaid’s Tale that draw on the Hulu TV series, the graphic novel, and/or The Testaments.
If you would like to propose an original essay for the upcoming Approaches to Teaching the Works of Margaret Atwood volume, please submit an abstract of approximately 500 words in which you describe your approach or topic and explain its usefulness. The focus of your essay should be pedagogical, and the abstract should be as specific as possible. Please send your abstract and a short CV to Lauren Rule Maxwell (lauren.maxwell@citadel.edu) by August 31, 2020. Please send any supplemental materials (e.g., course descriptions, course plans, syllabi, assignments, bibliographies, or other relevant documents) as separate attachments. Surface mail submissions can be sent to Lauren Rule Maxwell; Department of English, Fine Arts, and Communications; The Citadel; 171 Moultrie Street; Charleston, SC 29409.
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