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Submission Guidelines for Margaret Atwood Studies Journal

The Margaret Atwood Studies Journal always invites submissions (from both members and nonmembers of the Society alike). Essays submitted must be the original work of the author(s) and neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. Essays should be focused primarily on the work of Margaret Atwood, between 2,500 and 6,250 words, double-spaced, written in grammatical English, and documented following the conventions outlined in the latest MLA Handbook. Please include an abstract. To facilitate blind review, submissions should include a cover sheet with contact information and include no references to authorship in the essay. There is no submission deadline; we take submissions on a rolling basis. Submit via email as an attachment to Dr. Karma Waltonen at kjwaltonen@ucdavis.edu. All submissions will be peer reviewed by an international editorial board. Every effort will be made to notify authors within three months of the editors’ decision. Non-members of the society may submit work, but authors should be members of the society prior to publication.

Submissions are judged based on the originality of the scholarship, the solid development of ideas, and the quality of the writing. When submissions are found wanting, it is usually due to the following problems: a) the essay does not make an original point; b) the author does not situate the argument in the existing scholarship; c) the essay does not follow the conventions of written English (someone wanting to be published in an academic journal should not count on the unpaid editor to spend hours fixing word choice and grammar–we recommend having the essay edited before submission).

All questions should be directed to Karma Waltonen.

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