
Atwood wins National Book Critics Circle Lifetime Achievement Award!

Congratulations, to Margaret Atwood, winner of a lifetime achievement award from the National Book Critics Circle!

2016 MAS Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2016 winners!

  • Best Undergraduate Essay: Madison Gretzky for “After the Fall: Humanity Narrated in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy.”
  • Best Book: Jackie Shead’s monograph Margaret Atwood: Crime Fiction Writer. The Reworking of a Popular Genre (Ashgate: 2015).

MLA 2017 Panel

  1. Humor as Social Critique in Margaret Atwood’s Novels, Short Stories, and Poetry

Friday, 6 January

5:15–6:30 p.m., 110B, Pennsylvania Convention Center

Presiding: Eleonora Rao, Univ. of Salerno

  1. “The Place You Would Rather Not Know About: Bearing Witness through Humor,” Lauren Rule Maxwell, The Citadel
  2. “Satirical Freudianism in Margaret Atwood’s The Edible Woman,” Kate Marantz, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
  3. “Epistolary Atwood: Humor, the Open Letter, and Readerly Communities,” Collin Campbell, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland

Margaret Atwood Studies, Volume 10 is live!

Hello, Atwoodians!
The newest volume of MAS is up!
To see the table of contents and abstracts for the new issue (and past issues), please visit this page:

To read the new issue, you must log into the Margaret Atwood Society site at this URL:

Once you are logged in, a “Click here to access journal” button will a If the button does not appear, your membership may have expired. You may renew your membership at this address: 

If you have previously registered at the MAS site and created a login (whether or not you are a current member of the Society), and you do not remember your password or username, you may recover (or reset) your password or username at this link (you will need to supply your email address):

Reminder: Atwood Award Submissions Due 12/1

Have a great essay, article, book, etc. on Atwood? Submit to our contests!

Seeking Reviewers for Hagseed and Catbird Vol 1

Hi, all! Karma here–editor of the journal. I’d like to include some very brief reviews of Atwood’s last two projects (Catbird Vol. 1 and Hagseed) in our issue coming out next month. Anyone up for writing one? Send me a message:

Atwood’s ‘Hagseed’ Released Today in the U.S.!

Head to your local bookstore for a copy of Atwood’s exciting adaptation of The Tempest: Hagseed, released today!



Atwood’s Angel Catbird Graphic Novel

Margaret Atwood’s first foray into graphic novels (though it should be noted she’s long been a cartoonist) will premiere on September 9th.

The trailer is available here.

Angel Catbird Cover
cover of Angel Catbird, a new graphic novel series by Margaret Atwood Uploaded external by: demara, bruce