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Author Archives: Atwood Society
Seeking Reviewers for Hagseed and Catbird Vol 1
Hi, all! Karma here–editor of the journal. I’d like to include some very brief reviews of Atwood’s last two projects (Catbird Vol. 1 and Hagseed) in our issue coming out next month. Anyone up for writing one? Send me a message: kjwaltonen@ucdavis.edu.
Atwood’s Angel Catbird Graphic Novel
Margaret Atwood’s first foray into graphic novels (though it should be noted she’s long been a cartoonist) will premiere on September 9th.
The trailer is available here.

Call for Papers: MAS Special Issue on Ageism and Aging
MLA 2017 CFPs
MLA 2017 will be in Philadelphia in January. The Margaret Atwood Society is proposing two panels–one in conjunction with The Doris Lessing Society.
Panel One: “Humor and/as social critique in Margaret Atwood’s novels, short stories and poetry.” 250-300 word abstract by 17 March 2016 to Eleonora Rao (erao@unisa.it).
Panel Two: “Boundaries of Life: Ageism and Aging in Works by Margaret Atwood and Doris Lessing.” This session, co-sponsored by the Margaret Atwood Society and the Doris Lessing Society, is inspired by the 2017 Presidential Theme, “Boundary Conditions.” By focusing on ageism and aging in the works of Atwood and Lessing, two of the twentieth century’s most prolific and influential women writers, this panel aims to explore the ways these writers depict the passing of time in relation to life experiences and self-consciousness. Some questions papers might answer include: What does it mean to come of age? How do age and the aging process affect how we see ourselves? When and how does one become old? How does age discrimination shape societies and individuals? In addition to examining individual works, papers may also look at the authors’ careers more broadly and discuss how their treatment of aging as a theme has changed as they themselves aged. Send abstracts to Lauren Rule Maxwell (lauren.maxwell@citadel.edu) by March 15.
2015 Atwood Society Contest Winners
Congratulations to the 2015 winners!
- Best Undergraduate Essay: Ariel McLean for “The Woman and her Heart or the Woman and A Heart?”
- Best Graduate Essay: Alex Tammaro for “Frog in a Jar: Amphibianism in Surfacing.“
- Best Article: Jennifer Murray for “For the Love of a Fish: A Lacanian Reading of Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing,“ Literature Interpretation Theory 26:1 (2015): 1-21
- Best Edited Collection: Karma Waltonen, ed. Margaret Atwood’s Apocalypses (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)
- Best Book: Reingard M. Nischik for Comparative North American Studies: Transnational Approaches to American and Canadian Literature and Culture (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)
Jan 2016 Society News!
Happy New Year!
Atwood Society dues have been lowered to $15 for members, regardless of nationality.
Paying dues gives you access to Margaret Atwood Studies, our journal–a new edition just came out!
Finally, if you’re heading to Austin for MLA, make sure you attend the MAS panel and the MAS meeting right after. Information can be found at http://atwoodsociety.org/conference-panels/.
Membership Vote: Lowered Dues
Fellow Atwoodians,
We are finishing the transition to an electronic journal. Thus, we believe it is time to lower the dues, as production costs will soon be lower.
The executive committee has proposed annual dues of $15 for all individual members. If approved, the new dues would take effect on 1/1/16.
A link to the vote has been sent out to our email list. If you are a member of the society, but did not receive a link to the vote, email Karma at kjwaltonen@ucdavis.edu.
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